The Calais School
Welcome to the Beads of Courage® Program!
We are honored to be a part of your life and we look forward to recognizing your courage and strength through the Beads of Courage® Program.
Beads of Courage, Inc is non-profit organization, headquartered in Tucson, AZ, that provides programs worldwide to support the psychosocial and emotional well-being of children, youth, and the people who care for them in their community. Our programs use beads as visible and tangible art forms. We believe that every time a bead is given courage is honored, suffering is alleviated, resilience is strengthened, and the experience of human caring is affirmed.
Beads of Courage and The Calais School are excited to partner together to launch the first Beads of Courage Program to provide emotional support and encouragement in a therapeutic special education school! This new pilot program is exclusive to the students at The Calais School, who for the first time, will have their courage recognized and celebrated with Beads of Courage. Since 2005, Beads of Courage has established collaborative partnerships with organizations worldwide to provide emotional support and encouragement through the artform of beads and we are so happy to add The Calais School to this worldwide collaboration of caring.
We are excited to create a pilot Beads of Courage program to support the special needs initiatives at The Calais School. Beads of Courage, Inc.’s mission was created in 2005 to care for children coping with serious illness, their families, and clinicians through Arts-in-Medicine programs. Although you will see on the Beads of Courage website and social media that the programs were originally created for use in healthcare settings, this pilot program is the first of its kind in a non-healthcare setting.
We recognize the need to advance the science of caring in special education settings, so we created a new pilot program with The Calais School. A pilot program is a new trial program done with a small group. You have been selected to be part of this group! During this time, you will receive Beads of Courage from the Animal Assisted Intervention dogs and handlers as well as certain related services staff to honor your courage you display. We hope to expand this program to your entire school/peers in the future. Welcome to this special area on our website to honor this partnership and you, our very first Beads of Courage members from The Calais School.
Every bead makes visible the otherwise invisible. It is our passion to help you RECORD, TELL, and OWN your story of COURAGE and we are honored to provide a way for you to show the world your courageous story and resiliency through the art form of beautiful beads.
Through the Beads of Courage® Program, you will receive colorful beads that symbolize the courage you display while attending The Calais School.
How does the Beads of Courage® Program work?
- Every new member of the program starts out the same way. As a new member you will receive:
- A Daily Bead Journal that tells what beads you may receive and to track your moments of courage
- A strand of string with your first name spelled out in ceramic beads
- A logo bead and a welcome notecard
- An enrollment bead
- At the school, when staff helping with this pilot program see that you are displaying courage, they will help you mark these moments on your Bead Journal and gift you with a Bead of Courage for each of those moments.
- As you work with the caring staff at school, continue to use your Daily Bead Journal and you will see your Beads of Courage collection grow! Be proud of your Beads of Courage, they represent all your stories of courage!
We enCOURAGE you to display your beads proudly and share with others who you wish to know your story! You are uniquely you and we are truly honored to be part of your story.
With just one bead, you are now connected to other students in your school who are also members of the Beads of Courage program. You are never alone. You are supported by our caring staff and your Calais School community.
You are our Hero! This Beads of Courage Program is the 1st in the nation to be used in an educational setting exclusively for you and your peers.
Register with us because we want to connect with you and hear from you. Your feedback on this new program (and any photos you wish to share) are so valuable to us! You can help us grow this program into the best it can be. Your voice matters!
Beads of Courage, Inc. & The Calais School