Member Hospitals and Partners
Beads of Courage, Inc is a global organization that values:
- Collaboration of clinicians advancing the science of caring
- Human connectedness
- Restoration of self-worth by inclusion into a worldwide psychosocial and emotional support program
Beads of Courage supports over 300-member hospitals/organizations as partners in caring worldwide including:
- The United States
- England
- Wales
- Scotland
- Northern Ireland
- Republic of Ireland
- Canada
- Japan
- New Zealand
- Australia
Beads of Courage, Inc. is grateful for the international partners who make the Beads of Courage program possible in their countries:
United States participating hospitals and organizations
- 201 Member Hospitals and Organizations
- 377 Beads of Courage Flagship Programs
The Flagship Program is available to children and teens experiencing a multitude of medical issues. Programs are available specific to Hematology/Oncology, Cardiology, Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU), Burn, and Chronic Conditions. The Chronic Program encompasses a variety of medical challenges including chronic illnesses, trauma recovery, rehabilitation, and more. Fusion Programs are tailored for smaller medical facilities to combine some of these programs to provide continuity of care to their patient population.
The Beads of Courage Flagship Program continues to grow annually. We are grateful to all of the dedicated Beads of Courage Ambassadors who have incorporated these programs into their patient support practices.
If you are interested in starting a Beads of Courage Flagship Program, please contact
BEADS OF COURAGE® is a federally registered trademark of Beads of Courage, Inc., and is used under license by our international partners and hospitals. The BEADS OF COURAGE® program, is owned by and licensed from Beads of Courage, Inc. dba Center for Arts in Nursing.