Bead Strong Resources
Bead Strong in Mind, Body and Spirit
“When people have peace in themselves, then there can be peace in the world” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Welcome! We are so happy they you are taking time to be Bead Strong with Beads of Courage.
Thank you for visiting our Bead Strong resource page to access tools to help you Bead Strong in Mind, Body, and Spirit. Our caring program team has organized these especially for you to strengthen your Bead Strong experience. Below, you will find videos, music, and other useful materials to use while completing your Bead Strong activity (or to reference in the future)!
Bead Strong is designed to capture your mind and heart for a mindful moment. It is self-care time that you set aside to be fully aware of your body, emotions and thoughts. When we practice mindful moments through Bead Strong, we can work wonders for ourselves and those around us as we create more openness in our mind and heart.
Ready to Begin Your Bead Strong Workshop?
- Find a comfortable, quiet place where you can sit.
- Gather art supplies such as crayons or colored pencils.
- Click each block below to help guide you through the elements of Bead Strong!
Questions? Email